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computers (cpu equal to Intel 8086)

brandnamexxxxxxxximagexxxxxxxxfollowstypedate presentedcpuOperating systemRAM standardWebsitedate retiredProducer
Advance 86image12/1983Intel 8086MS-DOS128[KIB]WebSite
Fujitsu Micro 16simagePersonal computer1983Intel 8086Multiuser DOSWebSiteFUJITSU
IBM Personal System/2imageIBM Personal Computer/ATPersonal computer04/1987Intel 8086OS/2WebSiteIbm
PC1512image1986Intel 8086MS-DOS512[KIB]WebSiteAmstrad
Toshiba T1200imageToshiba T11001987Intel 8086MS-DOS1[MIB]WebSiteTOSHIBA
Showing results: 1 - 5
7 results