.қаз | ![image]() | Active | National | Country code | 2012 | KAZnic | Association of IT Companies of Kazakhstan | None for second-level names, some restrictions for third-level names depending on which second-level name they are under | Website |
.ac | ![image]() | Active | International | Country code | 1997 | Ascension Island Network Information Centre (run by Internet Computer Bureau) | Cable and Wireless [Cable_%26_Wireless_Worldwide] (Ascension Island) | As a second level, it is only used by professionals or entities with academic links, Registration as a third level must be done only by residents of Ascension Island | Website |
.ad | ![image]() | Active | National | Country code | 1996 | Nic.ad | Servei de Telecommunicacions d''Andorra | Records have to be pre-approved by the Office for emblems and signs of the State, where their use is limited only to residents of Andorra, or Andorran companies, which have at least one representative in the country and registration number per person is limited. | Website |
.ae | ![image]() | Active | National | Country code | 1992 | .aeDA [.aeDA] | TRA [Telecommunications_Regulatory_Authority_(UAE)] | It is necessary to show the ID card, company registration or passport. Resident of the UAE wanting to register has to physically visit the Etisalat office, or send a representative. | Website |
.aero | ![image]() | Active | Business | Sponsored | 17/03/2002 | SITA INC B.V. [Soci%C3%A9t%C3%A9_Internationale_de_T%C3%A9l%C3%A9communication_Aeronautique] (registry agreement ends in December, 2005 and new registry operator is being sought) | SITA SC [Soci%C3%A9t%C3%A9_Internationale_de_T%C3%A9l%C3%A9communication_Aeronautique]; a Dot Aero Council was formed to take input from community; various industry associations have partner status | Credentials of applicants are checked before registration is permitted, but then any domain can be registered | Website |