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General information
Long nameRepublic of Ghana
Population (source)census
Population (people)24,200,000 (2010)
Constitutional form
Drives on
Head of state authority
Main continent
Number of airports10
Airports - with paved runways7
Airports - with unpaved runways3
Area (m²)238,537
Birth rate (births/1,000 population)27
Calling code
Children under the age of 5 years underweight (%)14
Current Account Balance (US$)-2,895,000,064
Death rate (deaths/1,000 population)9
Debt - external (Billion US$)8
Economic aid donor (Billion $)
Electricity consumption (billion kWh)6
Electricity consumption per capita (kWh per person)246
Electricity exports (million kWh)538
Electricity imports (million kWh)263
Electricity production (billion kWh)8
Exports (Billion $)13
GDP - per capita (PPP) (US$)3,100
GDP (purchasing power parity) (Billion $)76
GDP real growth rate (%)14
Gross national income (US$)43
Human Development Index1
Health expenditures (% of GDP)11
HIV AIDS adult prevalence rate (%)2
HIV AIDS deaths18,000
HIV AIDS people living with HIV AIDS260,000
Hospital bed density (beds/1,000 population)1
Capital city
Imports (Billion $)15
Industrial production growth rate (%)5
Infant mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births)47
Inflation rate consumer prices (%)9
Internet hosts60,282
Internet tld.gh
Internet users1,297,000
Investment (gross fixed) (%)20
Iso 3166 codeGH
Labor force11,440,000
Life expectancy at birth (years)61
Literacy (%)67
Manpower available for military service6,268,191
Manpower fit for military service4,136,406
Manpower reaching militarily age annually267,896
Is democracyYes
Market value of publicly traded shares (US$)3,096,999,936
Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births)350
Merchant marine3
Military expenditures percent of GDP2
Natural gas consumption (cubic meters)0
Natural gas consumption per capita (cubic meters per person)0
Natural gas exports (cubic meters)0
Natural gas imports (cubic meters)0
Natural gas production (cubic meters)0
Natural gas proved reserves (cubic meters)22,649,999,360
Net migration rate (migrant/1,000 population)-1
Obesity adult prevalence rate (%)
Oil consumption (bbl/day)60,000
Oil consumption per capita (bbl/day per 1000 people)2
Oil exports (bbl/day)5,752
Oil imports (bbl/day)68,830
Oil production (bbl/day)8,880
Oil proved reserves (bbl)660,000,000
Physicians density (physicians/1,000 population)0
Population below poverty line (%)29
Population census (people)24,200,000 (2010)
Population density (Number of people per square kilometer)103
Population estimate (people)27,000,000 (2014)
Population growth rate (%)2
Public debt (% of GDP)36
Railways (km)947
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold (US$)4,809,999,872
Roadways (km)62,221
Stock of direct foreign investment abroad (US$)
Stock of direct foreign investment at home (US$)
Telephones main lines in use277,900
Telephones main lines in use per capita1
Telephones mobile cellular17,436,000
Telephones mobile cellular per capita73
Total fertility rate (children born/woman)4
Unemployment rate (%)11
Unemployment, youth ages 15-24 (%)
Waterways (km)1,293
conflicts - Country4 Relations
schools - Country46 Relations
military constructions - Country26 Relations
televisions - country Headquarters9 Relations
televisions - Country10 Relations
matches - Country1 Relations
temples - Country9 Relations
brands - Country1 Relations
ports - Country1 Relations
prepared foods - country of origin11 Relations
companies - country Headquarters61 Relations
recurring events editions - Country1 Relations
hospitals - Country10 Relations
castles - Country2 Relations
magazines - Country1 Relations
malls - Country11 Relations
organizations - country Headquarters6 Relations
libraries - Country3 Relations
heritage sites - Country7 Relations
military units - Country4 Relations
military units - country Headquarters3 Relations
mines - Country8 Relations
dams - Country6 Relations
stadiums - Country17 Relations
public bodies - country Headquarters26 Relations
labels - Country1 Relations
labels - country Headquarters1 Relations
recurring events - Country3 Relations
anthems - Country1 Relations
awards - Country7 Relations
cities - Country1,263 Relations
banks - country Headquarters15 Relations
power stations - Country9 Relations
airlines - country Headquarters13 Relations
monuments - Country4 Relations
currencies - Country1 Relations
national militaries - country Headquarters2 Relations
treaties - Country6 Relations
museums - Country5 Relations
cemeteries - Country2 Relations
universities - Country83 Relations
publishers - Country2 Relations
buildings - Country6 Relations
stocks exchanges - country Headquarters1 Relations
newspapers - country Headquarters2 Relations
sport organizations - Country7 Relations
sport organizations - country Headquarters10 Relations
bridges - Country1 Relations
airports - country7 Relations
airports - country location1 Relations
given names - country of origin7 Relations
teams - Country15 Relations
meteorites - Country1 Relations
oil fields - Country4 Relations
political parties - Country25 Relations
political parties - country Headquarters25 Relations
bays - Country5 Relations
capes - Country1 Relations
continents - Country1 Relations
languages - Country1 Relations
administrative divisions - Country10 Relations
former countries - Country1 Relations
islands - Country1 Relations
lakes - Country10 Relations
mountains - Country5 Relations
mountain ranges - Country1 Relations
pipelines - Country3 Relations
protected Areas - Country23 Relations
rivers - Country51 Relations
roads - Country18 Relations
waterfalls - Country5 Relations
accidents - place4 Relations
bands - place of origin9 Relations
banks - Central bank of1 Relations
elections - place7 Relations
brands - place1 Relations
companies - place42 Relations
floods - place16 Relations
organizations - place14 Relations
weapons - place of origin2 Relations
religions - place2 Relations
roads - place5 Relations
televisions - place8 Relations
castles - entity1 Relations
magazines - entity1 Relations
publishers - entity1 Relations
stadiums - entity4 Relations
teams Seasson - entity2 Relations
people - nationality331 Relations
people - country of birth1,171 Relations
people - country of death121 Relations