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General information
Long nameKingdom of Spain
Population (source)census
Population (people)46,815,916 (2011)
Constitutional form
Drives on
Head of state authority
Main continent
Number of airports152
Airports - with paved runways98
Airports - with unpaved runways54
Area (m²)504,645
Birth rate (births/1,000 population)10
Calling code
Children under the age of 5 years underweight (%)
Current Account Balance (US$)-55,099,998,208
Death rate (deaths/1,000 population)9
Debt - external (Billion US$)2,570
Economic aid donor (Billion $)4
Electricity consumption (billion kWh)268
Electricity consumption per capita (kWh per person)5,686
Electricity exports (million kWh)14,860
Electricity imports (million kWh)8,104
Electricity production (billion kWh)275
Exports (Billion $)304
GDP - per capita (PPP) (US$)31,000
GDP (purchasing power parity) (Billion $)1,432
GDP real growth rate (%)1
Gross national income (US$)34
Human Development Index1
Health expenditures (% of GDP)10
HIV AIDS adult prevalence rate (%)0
HIV AIDS deaths1,600
HIV AIDS people living with HIV AIDS130,000
Hospital bed density (beds/1,000 population)3
Capital city
Imports (Billion $)363
Industrial production growth rate (%)-1
Infant mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births)3
Inflation rate consumer prices (%)3
Internet hosts4,232,000
Internet tld.es
Internet users28,119,000
Investment (gross fixed) (%)22
Iso 3166 codeES
Labor force23,100,000
Life expectancy at birth (years)81
Literacy (%)98
Manpower available for military service11,759,557
Manpower fit for military service9,603,939
Manpower reaching militarily age annually217,244
Is democracyYes
Market value of publicly traded shares (US$)1,031,000,031,232
Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births)6
Merchant marine167
Military expenditures percent of GDP1
Natural gas consumption (cubic meters)35,819,999,232
Natural gas consumption per capita (cubic meters per person)761
Natural gas exports (cubic meters)1,152,000,000
Natural gas imports (cubic meters)36,709,998,592
Natural gas production (cubic meters)48,000,000
Natural gas proved reserves (cubic meters)2,548,000,000
Net migration rate (migrant/1,000 population)5
Obesity adult prevalence rate (%)16
Oil consumption (bbl/day)1,441,000
Oil consumption per capita (bbl/day per 1000 people)31
Oil exports (bbl/day)240,700
Oil imports (bbl/day)1,584,000
Oil production (bbl/day)29,970
Oil proved reserves (bbl)150,000,000
Physicians density (physicians/1,000 population)4
Population below poverty line (%)20
Population census (people)46,815,916 (2011)
Population density (Number of people per square kilometer)93
Population estimate (people)46,464,052 (2014)
Population growth rate (%)1
Public debt (% of GDP)68
Railways (km)15,293
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold (US$)47,099,998,208
Roadways (km)681,298
Stock of direct foreign investment abroad (US$)662,899,982,336
Stock of direct foreign investment at home (US$)641,499,987,968
Telephones main lines in use19,904,000
Telephones main lines in use per capita49
Telephones mobile cellular51,493,000
Telephones mobile cellular per capita127
Total fertility rate (children born/woman)1
Unemployment rate (%)22
Unemployment, youth ages 15-24 (%)38
Waterways (km)1,000
ValleyAlto Bidasoa, Bisquert, Boquer Valley, Bujaruelo, Canal de Berdún , Cañón de Añisclo, Cañón del Vellos, Cares Canyon, Cares Route, Congost de Mont Rebei, Dehesa de Terrines, Desfiladero de Monrebei, Desfiladero de Monrrebei, Desfiladero de Mont Rebei, Desfiladero de Montrebei, Desfiladero de Mont-rebei, Desfiladero de Montrrebey, El Chorro, Foz de Arbayún, Foz de Lumbier, La Geria, Ordesa Valley, Prehistoric Rock-Art Sites in the Côa Valley and Siega Verde Siega Verde Paleolithic Art, Quinto Real , Rudrón Valley, Ruta del Cares, Salazar Valley, Tena Valley, Val d'Aran, Vall de Boí , Vall de Núria, Valle alto de Serradell-Terreta-Sierra de San Gervás, Valle de aezcoa, Valle de Benasque, Valle de Estós, Valle de Gistau, Valle de Iruelas, Valle de Lasieso, Valle de los alhorines, Valle de Ordiso, Valle de Otal, Valle de pineta, Valle de Riosol, Valle de roncal, Valle de San Emiliano, Valle de Valdosín, Valle de Vió, Valle del ara, Valle del Aragón, Valle del hijar, Valle del Híjar, Valle del Tajuna en Torrecuadrada, Valle del Tajuña en Torrecuadrada, Valle del Tietar, Valle del Turia, Valle del Turía, Valle dell27Irno, Valle turia, Valle y salinas del Salado, Vallebrón, Vallée de Boí, Valles del Jubera, Valles del Sió-Llobregós, Valley of Jarama, Valley of Turia, Valley of Turía
CanyonArquijas, Barranco de Acentejo, Barranco de Afur, Barranco de Anosma, Barranco de Badajoz, Barranco de Benijo, Barranco de Castilló, Barranco de Chamorga, Barranco de Cirés, Barranco de Clamosa, Barranco de Erques, Barranco de Formigales, Barranco de Herques, Barranco de Igueste de San Andrés, Barranco de Ijuana, Barranco de la Goleta, Barranco de la Molina, Barranco de la Torxida, Barranco de La Usia, Barranco de la Usía, Barranco de Lapenilla, Barranco de las Angustias, Barranco de las Huertas, Barranco de las Ovejas, Barranco de Malpás, Barranco de Malpàs, Barranco de Pelegrina, Barranco de Peranera, Barranco de Raons, Barranco de Santos, Barranco de Taborno, Barranco de Tahodio, Barranco de Tenegüime, Barranco de Usía, Barranco de Valleseco, Barranco de Viu, Barranco del Agua, Barranco del Bufadero, Barranco del Cercado de San Andrés, Barranco del Draguillo, Barranco del Dulce, Barranco del Infierno, Barranco del Moro, Barranco del Poyo, Barranco del Río, Barranco del rio Dulce, Barranco del río Dulce, Barranco del Salinar, Barranco Formigales, Barranco Oscuro, Barranco Usía, Barrancos de Gebas, Cañón de Almadenes, Cañón de los Almadenes, Cañón del Ebro, Cañón del Río Lobos Natural Park, Cares Trail, Carraixet, Desfiladero de Pancorbo, Foz de Arbayún, Foz de lumbier, Garganta de Descuernacabras, Garganta de Los Beyos, Garganta de los infiernos, Garganta del obispo, Garganta Torina, Garganta Torinas, Guayadeque ravine
Artillery155 mm haubica SB 155/39
CraterCaldeira de las Cañadas, Caldeira de Taburiente, Caldera de Taburiente
ReligionCatholic church
BorderGibraltar–Spain border, Portugal–Spain border
MarshHumedal de Fuentepeña, Humedal del ajauque y rambla salada, Marismas de Barbate, Marismas de isla cristina, Marismas de Santoña, Marismas del odiel
Demonymspanish, spaniard
scientific bases - Country2 Relations
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Orchestras - country Headquarters14 Relations
spirits - country of origin12 Relations
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Seas - Country13 Relations
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armed organizacions - entity22 Relations
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