name | Hub | image | date Ceased operations | date Commenced operations | IATA Code | ICAO Code | city Headquarters | administrative division Headquarters | country Headquarters | continent Headquarters | Country | continent | Parent | number of aircrafts | number of destinations | Website |
Olympic Airlines | Athens International Airport | 29/09/2009 | 06/04/1957 | OA | OAL | Athens | Attica | Greece | Europe | Greece | Europe | Gobierno de Grecia | 43 | 50 | Website | |
Olympic Air | Athens International Airport | 29/09/2009 | OA | OAL | Athens | Attica | Greece | Europe | Greece | Europe | AEGEAN AIRLINES | 14 | 18 | Website | ||
Mediterranean Air Freight | Athens International Airport | 2003 | MDF | Athens | Attica | Greece | Europe | Greece | Europe | Swiftair | 4 | Website | ||||
Macedonian Airlines | Athens International Airport | 2003 | 1992 | SX | MCS | Athens | Attica | Greece | Europe | Greece | Europe | Olympic Airlines | 3 | Website | ||
Sky Wings Airlines | Athens International Airport | 2004 | ND | GSW | Athens | Attica | Greece | Europe | Greece | Europe | 7 | Website |