name | status | statistics | Color charge | date discovered | date theorized | Electric charge (e) | generation | Antiparticle | Theorized | mass (GeV/c2) | Meanlifetime (h) | Spin | symbol | Interaction | family |
Ω-Meson | Yes | 1 | |||||||||||||
Alpha particle | Bosonic | Yes | 2 | a, a2+, He2+ | |||||||||||
Antimuón | Discovered | Yes | 1 | 2 | µ+ | ||||||||||
Antineutron | Discovered | Fermionic | Yes | 1956 | Neutron | 0 | 1 | n | Alpha particle, Antimuón, Antineutron, Ω-Meson, Anticharm quark, Antidown quark, Antileptons, Antimeson, Antimuon, Anti-muon, Antineutron, Antiproton, Antiprotons, Antiquarks, Antiup quark, Axion, Axion field, B quark, Bottom meson, Bottom quark, Chameleon particle, Charm quark, D meson, Down quark, Electron, Electron mass, Electron Neutrino, Eta meson, Free quark, Free quark search, Gravitino, Graviton, Heaviest subatomic particle, Heavy quarks, Higgs boson, J, J-Psi Particle, Kaon, K-particle, Kwark, Kwork, Lepton, Magnetic Monopole, Meson physics, Mesonics, Mesons, Muon, Muon neutrino, Muonic hydrogen, Muon-neutrino, N particle, Neurtron, Neutral D meson, Neutral kaon mixing, Neutral pion, Neutretto, Neutrino, Neutrino faster than light, Neutrino physics, Neutron, Neutron mass, Neutronium-1, Neutrons, November Revolution, November Revolution of 1974, Nutrinos, Pi meson, Pi0, Pi-Mesons, Pion, Pions, Positive electron, Positron, Positrons, Proton, Proton radius, Ps particle, Psi meson, Quark Color, Quark colour, Quark theory, Quarks, Sea antiquark, Sea quark, Sterile neutrino, Strange D meson, Strange quark, Strange quarks, Tau, Tau antineutrino, Tau leptons, Tau neutrino, Tau particle, Tau particles, Tauino, Tau-neutrino, Tauonic, Tauons, Tau-theta puzzle, The Top Quark, Top quark, U quark, Unineutron, Up quark, Valence quark mass, W and Z bosons, Who ordered that, X, Z, Zc | Antibaryon | |||||
Antiproton | Discovered | Fermionic | Yes | -1 | Proton | Paul dirac | 1 | 1 | p | Alpha particle, Antimuón, Antineutron, Ω-Meson | Antibaryon |