name | image | ISIN | chief executive officer | Regulatory entity | legal form | type | date founded | Employees | Central bank of | city Headquarters | administrative division Headquarters | country Headquarters | continent Headquarters | Currency | own capital | Website | Revenue | date dissolved | Revenue year |
Allahabad Bank | Public_company | 24/04/1865 | 24,137 | Kolkata | West Bengal | India | Asia | Website | |||||||||||
UCO Bank | Public_company | 06/01/1943 | 24,724 | Kolkata | West Bengal | India | Asia | Website | |||||||||||
Bandhan Bank | Private | 2001 | 24,066 | Kolkata | West Bengal | India | Asia | Website | |||||||||||
Bank of Calcutta | 02/06/1806 | Kolkata | West Bengal | India | Asia | Website | |||||||||||||
West Bengal State Coop Bank | 1918 | Kolkata | West Bengal | India | Asia | Website |