name | image | ISIN | chief executive officer | Regulatory entity | legal form | type | date founded | Employees | Central bank of | city Headquarters | administrative division Headquarters | country Headquarters | continent Headquarters | Currency | own capital | Website | Revenue | date dissolved | Revenue year |
ASN Bank | 1960 | 155 | The Hague | South Holland | Netherlands | Europe | Website | ||||||||||||
Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten | Private | 1914 | 279 | The Hague | South Holland | Netherlands | Europe | Website | |||||||||||
Haagsche Commissie Bank | 1903 | The Hague | South Holland | Netherlands | Europe | Website | 1951 | ||||||||||||
NIBC Bank | Private | 1945 | 669 | The Hague | South Holland | Netherlands | Europe | Website | |||||||||||
FMO (Netherlands) | Private | 08/07/1970 | 336 | The Hague | South Holland | Netherlands | Europe | Website |