name | birth name | date of birth | date of death | Height (m) | nationality | city of birth | administrative division of birth | continent of birth | country of birth | city of death | administrative division of death | continent of death | country of death | gender |
Leopold I | 03/07/1676 | 07/04/1747 | Saxony-Anhalt | Europe | Anhalt-Dessau | Saxony-Anhalt | Europe | Anhalt-Dessau | Man | |||||
Leopold II | 25/12/1700 | 16/12/1751 | Saxony-Anhalt | Europe | Anhalt-Dessau | Saxony-Anhalt | Europe | Anhalt-Dessau | Man | |||||
William Gustav of Anhalt-Dessau | 20/06/1699 | 16/12/1737 | Saxony-Anhalt | Europe | Anhalt-Dessau | Saxony-Anhalt | Europe | Anhalt-Dessau | Man | |||||
Leopold I of Anhalt-Dessau | 03/07/1676 | 07/04/1747 | Saxony-Anhalt | Europe | Anhalt-Dessau | Saxony-Anhalt | Europe | Anhalt-Dessau | Man |