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premios (persona igual a Connie Willis)

nombrenombrado porparte deOtorgado porNombre oficialxxxxxxxximagenxxxxxxxxestadotipociudadpremiado porFecha de EstablecimientoPaíscontinenteSitio webFecha de disolución
Premio Gran Maestro Damon Knight MemorialDamon KnightimageExcellence in science fiction [Science_fiction] and fantasy [Fantasy] writing, literary achievements1974website
Premio Hugo a la mejor novelaimageThe best science fiction or fantasy story of 40,000 words or more published in the prior calendar year1953website
Premio Hugo al mejor relatoimageThe best science fiction or fantasy story of between 7,500 and 17,500 words published in the prior calendar year1955website
Premio Hugo a la mejor novela cortaimageThe best science fiction or fantasy story of between 17,500 and 40,000 words published in the prior calendar year1968website
Premio Hugo al mejor relato cortoimageThe best science fiction or fantasy story of less than 7,500 words published in the prior calendar year (different criteria before 1967)1955website
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