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languages (country equal to Cambodia)

nameEthnologue statuslanguage familyofficeIETFalphabetISO 6391ISO 6392ISO 6393speakers
Manuscriptmicronationpublisherformer countryis a dialect
French language1 NationalIndo-European languagesOrganización de las Naciones UnidasLatin scriptfrfre (B)$#$fra (T)fra 274,000,000Ladonia (micronation), Principality of Hutt River, Republic of SaugeaisYes
Khmer language1 NationalAustroasiatic languagesKhmer scriptkmkhm Either:$#$khm –Central Khmer$#$kxm –Northern Khmer [Northern_Khmer_dialect]16,000,000Yes
Showing results: 1 - 2
2 results