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magazines (city Headquarters equal to New York City)

namexxxxxxxximagexxxxxxxxcategoriesdate Closeddate first issuedate foundedFrequency
city Headquartersadministrative division Headquarterscountry Headquarterscontinent HeadquartersCountrycontinentISSNWebsite
GQimagePeople19581957195712New York CityNew YorkUnited StatesAmericasUnited StatesAmericas0016-6979 Website
Foreign Affairsimage192219226New York CityNew YorkUnited StatesAmericasUnited StatesAmericas0015-7120 (WC · ACNP )Website
Epiximage1984New York CityNew YorkUnited StatesAmericasUnited StatesAmericasWebsite
Entertainment WeeklyimageNews and entertainment16/02/199016/02/199052New York CityNew YorkUnited StatesAmericasUnited StatesAmericas1049-0434 Website
Congress on Research in Danceimage19683New York CityNew YorkUnited StatesAmericas0149-7677 (print)$#$1940-509X (web)$#$Website
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87 results