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tratados de Libia

nombrexxxxxxxximagenxxxxxxxxtipoContextoFecha efectivaIdiomaubicaciónFecha de la firmaPaíscontinentedepositario
Treaty of Tripoliimage10/06/1797Idioma inglés04/11/1796LibiaÁfrica
1976 Tripoli AgreementimagePart of a series of peace agreements between the Government of the Philippines [Government_of_the_Philippines] and the Moro National Liberation Front [Moro_National_Liberation_Front] seeking resolution to the Moro conflict [Moro_conflict]23/12/1976Idioma francés23/12/1976LibiaÁfrica
Sirte DeclarationimageSessione straordinaria dell''Organizzazione dell''unità africana [Organizzazione_dell%27unit%C3%A0_africana]LibiaÁfrica
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3 resultados