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General information
Long nameItalian Republic
Population (source)census
Population (people)59,433,744 (2011)
Constitutional form
Drives on
Head of state authority
Main continent
Number of airports130
Airports - with paved runways99
Airports - with unpaved runways31
Area (m²)301,338
Birth rate (births/1,000 population)9
Calling code
Children under the age of 5 years underweight (%)
Current Account Balance (US$)-70,100,000,768
Death rate (deaths/1,000 population)10
Debt - external (Billion US$)2,684
Economic aid donor (Billion $)4
Electricity consumption (billion kWh)310
Electricity consumption per capita (kWh per person)5,059
Electricity exports (million kWh)1,826
Electricity imports (million kWh)4,599
Electricity production (billion kWh)291
Exports (Billion $)524
GDP - per capita (PPP) (US$)30,900
GDP (purchasing power parity) (Billion $)1,871
GDP real growth rate (%)0
Gross national income (US$)32
Human Development Index1
Health expenditures (% of GDP)5
HIV AIDS adult prevalence rate (%)0
HIV AIDS deaths1,000
HIV AIDS people living with HIV AIDS140,000
Hospital bed density (beds/1,000 population)4
Capital city
Imports (Billion $)556
Industrial production growth rate (%)0
Infant mortality rate (deaths/1,000 live births)3
Inflation rate consumer prices (%)3
Internet hosts25,456,000
Internet tld.it
Internet users29,235,000
Investment (gross fixed) (%)21
Iso 3166 codeIT
Labor force25,080,000
Life expectancy at birth (years)82
Literacy (%)98
Manpower available for military service13,865,688
Manpower fit for military service11,247,446
Manpower reaching militarily age annually288,188
Is democracyYes
Market value of publicly traded shares (US$)431,500,001,280
Maternal mortality rate (deaths/100,000 live births)4
Merchant marine604
Military expenditures percent of GDP2
Natural gas consumption (cubic meters)77,799,997,440
Natural gas consumption per capita (cubic meters per person)1,270
Natural gas exports (cubic meters)139,000,000
Natural gas imports (cubic meters)70,200,000,512
Natural gas production (cubic meters)8,400,000,000
Natural gas proved reserves (cubic meters)63,570,001,920
Net migration rate (migrant/1,000 population)5
Obesity adult prevalence rate (%)10
Oil consumption (bbl/day)1,528,000
Oil consumption per capita (bbl/day per 1000 people)25
Oil exports (bbl/day)529,100
Oil imports (bbl/day)1,800,000
Oil production (bbl/day)151,800
Oil proved reserves (bbl)476,500,000
Physicians density (physicians/1,000 population)4
Population below poverty line (%)
Population census (people)59,433,744 (2011)
Population density (Number of people per square kilometer)203
Population estimate (people)60,782,668 (2013)
Population growth rate (%)0
Public debt (% of GDP)120
Railways (km)20,255
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold (US$)173,300,006,912
Roadways (km)487,700
Stock of direct foreign investment abroad (US$)552,800,026,624
Stock of direct foreign investment at home (US$)365,500,006,400
Telephones main lines in use21,600,000
Telephones main lines in use per capita37
Telephones mobile cellular82,000,000
Telephones mobile cellular per capita141
Total fertility rate (children born/woman)1
Unemployment rate (%)8
Unemployment, youth ages 15-24 (%)25
Waterways (km)2,400
ValleyAgro caleno, Agro Nocerino Sarnese, Alta Val d27Elsa, Alta Val di Non , Alta Val Tagliamento, Alta valle Scrivia, Alto Sangro , Altopiano delle Cinquemiglia, Altopiano delle Rocche, Altopiano di Cascina, Altopiano di Leonessa, Altopiano di Navelli, Altopiano di Piné, Altopiano di Rascino, Altopiano Velino-Sirente, Ampezzano, Anapo, Antholzer Tal, Arroscia, Aso , Astino Valley, Aupatal , Basso Sarca, Bersntol, Bévéra, Bourcet, Calore Lucano, Campidano, Campo Felice, Campo Imperatore, Campo Pericoli, Campo Staffi, Campocatino, Canal Brenta, Canal del Ferro, Canale del Mis, Casentino, Cavaione , Cembratal, Cervo Valley, Chiusella Valley, Cogne Valley, Comba di Valcornera, Comba di Vertosan, Conca d27Oro, Conca di Ampezzo, Conca Ternana, Crati, Crete senesi, Cuenca aquilana, Cusio , Deutschnonsberg, Eggental, Eisacktal, Ellero, Etschtal, Fassa Valley, Fersental, Fiemme Valley, Fischleintal, Fucine Lake, Garfagnana, Géographie de la Vallée d27Aoste, Gera d27Adda, Geradadda, Ghiara d27Adda, Ghiaradadda, Ghiera d27Adda, Giudicarie, Gole del Drago, Gole del Pollina, Gole del Sosio, Gole del Tiberio, Gole della Tardara, Gole di Tiberio, Grana Valley, Grue , Hochpustertal, Höhlensteintal, Innerfeldtal, Kanaltal, Lagarina Valley, Lago di Cei, Lago di Lei, Lametino, Landi State, Lanzo Valleys, Llanura de Castelluccio, Locride, Lunigiana, Lystal, Maira Valley, Maremma, Maremma Grossetana, Maremma Livornese, Maremma Pisana, Martelltal, Media Val Tagliamento, Media Valle del Serchio, Metapontino, Mugello, Mühlwalder Tal, Münstertal , Noana Valley, Non Valley, Onsernonetal, Orco Valley, Ossola, Park of the caffarella, Passeier Valley, Passolanciano-Maielletta, Pflerschtal, Pfunderer Tal, Piana del Cavaliere, Piana del Peschiera, Piana del Sele, Piana di Firenze-Prato-Pistoia, Piana di Gela, Piana di Gioia Tauro, Piana di Lamezia, Piana di Lamezia Terme, Piana di Licata, Piana di Navelli, Piana di Paestum, Piana di Pisa, Piana di Rascino, Piana di Rosarno, Piana di San Vittorino, Piana di Sant27Eufemia, Piana di Santa Eufemia, Piana di Santa Eufèmia, Piana lametina, Piana Pistoiese, Piana Pratese, Piani di Pezza, Piani Palentini, Piano Campolongo, Piano di Novacco, Pianura Campana, Pianura pisana, Piné, Plain of Catania, Plaine de Sibari, Pontine marshes, Pratoni del Vivaro, Primiero, Puster Valley, Raccolanatal, Ratschingstal, Reintal , Ridnauntal, Rieti Valley, Sannio Alifano, Savena, Savio , Schnalstal, Scrivia, Senio, Sessera Valley, Setta, Sextental, Simplon Valley, Strona di Mosso Valley, Sud pontino, Sudpontino, Sugana Valley, Susa Valley, Tauferer Ahrntal, Tavoliere delle Puglie, Tavoliere salentino, The Landi State, Tierser Tal, Trafoital, Tresa, Ulten Valley, Unione Comuni della Val Vibrata, Unione dei comuni della Val Vibrata, Val Adamé, Val Alpisella, Val Badia, Val Basento, Val Belviso, Val Bisagno, Val Borbera, Val Bordesigli, Val Boreca, Val Borlezza, Val Bormida, Val Brandet, Val Bregaglia, Val Brembana, Val Brembilla, Val Bût, Val Cairasca, Val Calanna, Val Calore, Val Camonica, Val Canali, Val Canè, Val Casternone, Val Cavaione, Val Cavallina, Val Cavargna, Val Cellina, Val Cenischia, Val Ceronda, Val Cesano, Val Chiarsò, Val Chisola, Val Chisone, Val Cichero, Val Cimoliana, Val Clarea, Val Clavalité, Val Codalunga, Val Codera, Val Contrin, Val Corcera, Val Cordevole, Val Cosa, Val Costeana, Val Curone, Val d’Intelvi, Val d27Agrò, Val d27Ala, Val d27Alpone, Val d27Ambra, Val d27Ambria, Val d27Ansiei, Val d27Arda, Val d27Arzino, Val d27Assa, Val d27Asta, Val d27Astico, Val d27Aveto, Val d27Ayas, Val d27Egua, Val d27Enza, Val d27Esino, Val d27Illasi, Val d27Orcia e Amiata, Val d27Oten, Val d27Otro, Val Daone, Val de Rhêmes, Val Degano, Val dei Ratti, Val del Chiese, Val del Riso, Val Devero, Val di Bisenzio, Val di Bove, Val di Canale, Val di Cecina, Val di Chienti, Val di Chiese, Val di Chio, Val di Cornia, Val di Corteno, Val di Daone, Val di Farma, Val di Foro, Val di Gares, Val di Gavia, Val di Genova, Val di Goima, Val di
CanyonGarganta de San Venanzio
CraterSirente crater, Solfatara , Vulsini
ReligionCatholic church
BorderFrontera entre Italia y la Ciudad del Vaticano, Frontière entre l'Italie et la Slovénie, Frontière entre l'Italie et Saint-Marin, Granica chorwacko-włoska, Swiss–Italian border
scientific bases - Country5 Relations
conflicts - Country575 Relations
vivariums - Country10 Relations
schools - Country34 Relations
recurring events apparitions - Country42 Relations
military constructions - Country1,937 Relations
caves - Country201 Relations
televisions - country Headquarters144 Relations
televisions - Country529 Relations
stock indexes - Country1 Relations
matches - Country73 Relations
temples - Country11,224 Relations
brands - Country17 Relations
manuscripts - Country15 Relations
ports - Country139 Relations
prepared foods - country of origin1,392 Relations
companies - country Headquarters3,109 Relations
recurring events editions - Country178 Relations
hospitals - Country18 Relations
sculptures - Country17 Relations
theatres - Country660 Relations
casinos - Country6 Relations
religious organizations - country Headquarters21 Relations
castles - Country341 Relations
magazines - Country433 Relations
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missiles - country of origin1 Relations
radios - Country70 Relations
radios - country Headquarters3 Relations
trade unions - Country86 Relations
trade unions - country Headquarters5 Relations
malls - Country4 Relations
organizations - country Headquarters173 Relations
olives - Country38 Relations
cheeses - country of origin551 Relations
earthquakes - country38 Relations
libraries - Country38 Relations
race courses - Country50 Relations
heritage sites - Country231 Relations
military units - Country1,093 Relations
military units - country Headquarters435 Relations
mines - Country1 Relations
armed organizacions - country of origin4 Relations
dams - Country80 Relations
huts - Country548 Relations
stadiums - Country928 Relations
public bodies - country Headquarters174 Relations
canals - Country4 Relations
labels - Country44 Relations
labels - country Headquarters27 Relations
recurring events - Country77 Relations
hotels - country20 Relations
mythological beeings - Country1 Relations
anthems - Country1 Relations
awards - Country40 Relations
religions - Country1 Relations
distilleries - Country34 Relations
cities - Country9,501 Relations
amusement parks - country4 Relations
concentration camps - Country13 Relations
banks - country Headquarters228 Relations
sports - country of origin9 Relations
wine regions - Country12 Relations
power stations - Country115 Relations
breweries - country Headquarters7 Relations
automobiles - country of origin265 Relations
militant organizations - Country33 Relations
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paintings - Country332 Relations
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museums - Country565 Relations
cemeteries - Country150 Relations
universities - Country636 Relations
tunnels - Country9 Relations
weapons - Country99 Relations
ethnic groups - country of origin10 Relations
Orchestras - Country45 Relations
Orchestras - country Headquarters36 Relations
spirits - country of origin78 Relations
studios - country Headquarters2 Relations
stations - Country4,594 Relations
publishers - Country23 Relations
publishers - country Headquarters45 Relations
roller coasters - Country9 Relations
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monasteries - Country33 Relations
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sport organizations - country Headquarters82 Relations
bridges - Country229 Relations
spacecrafts - Country1 Relations
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streets - country31 Relations
choirs - Country133 Relations
given names - country of origin38 Relations
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pipelines - end locality country15 Relations
observatories - Country69 Relations
wineries - Country286 Relations
wineries - country Headquarters6 Relations
teams - Country2,534 Relations
meteorites - Country31 Relations
prisons - Country1 Relations
oil fields - Country16 Relations
networks - Country11 Relations
political parties - Country542 Relations
political parties - country Headquarters383 Relations
space flights - Country3 Relations
lighthouses - Country109 Relations
archipelagos - Country19 Relations
bays - Country72 Relations
borders - Country5 Relations
canyons - Country1 Relations
capes - Country34 Relations
continents - Country1 Relations
languages - Country1 Relations
religions - Country1 Relations
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deserts - Country1 Relations
administrative divisions - Country20 Relations
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mountain ranges - Country532 Relations
peninsulas - Country6 Relations
pipelines - Country32 Relations
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rivers - Country2,137 Relations
roads - Country84 Relations
Seas - Country31 Relations
ships classes - Country11 Relations
straits - Country6 Relations
valleys - Country753 Relations
golf clubs - Country233 Relations
waterfalls - Country9 Relations
accidents - place112 Relations
amusement parks - location10 Relations
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attractions - location2 Relations
bands - place of origin472 Relations
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companies - place329 Relations
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fires - place3 Relations
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monasteries - entity1 Relations
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museums - entity1 Relations
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ports - entity4 Relations
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airports - entity1 Relations
artillery - entity27 Relations
asteroids - entity296 Relations
attractions - entity8 Relations
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teams Seasson - entity297 Relations
theatres - entity28 Relations
trains - entity31 Relations
treaties - entity57 Relations
videogames - entity14 Relations
weapons - entity414 Relations
armed organizacions - entity88 Relations
people - nationality22,763 Relations
people - country of birth36,338 Relations
people - country of death11,752 Relations